Category Archives: Organic Food

5 Reasons Why You Should Opt for Organic Food

As the world is getting more conscious about health maintenance, people are exploring better ways to stay fit and healthy. While exercising and consuming nutritious food are great ways to make a start, you also need to work on your food choices if you are taking interest in your health. Switching to organic food is one such healthy choice you must make. While you may find organic products slightly expensive over regular food items, we tell you five such reasons that justify this switch.

  1. To avoid chemicals and pesticides: The regularly available food is grown faster with the use of chemicals and pesticides. Not just the plants but the animals are also injected with hormones to make them grow faster. On the other hand, organic food is grown in a traditional and natural manner, without the use of any chemicals. Although it grows slowly, and thus, is somewhat expensive to manage production costs, including organic food in your diet, will keep you healthier by avoiding harmful chemicals and pesticides.
  2. To have a healthy mind: Inorganic food may have neurotoxins, the chemicals with the ability to destroy your nerve cells and damage your brain. However, neurotoxins are not present in organic food items. This not only helps you maintain a healthy body but also a healthy mind.
  3. To get fully tested products: Many times, there is inadequate testing of the genetically modified food items that are sent to the market. However, all organic food items come fully tested and do not put your health at risk.
  4. To consume nutritious food: The use of chemicals during food growth usually kills some essential vitamins and minerals present in natural food. As organic food is grown without the use of any chemicals and chemical fertilizers, it retains the natural taste and offers more nutrition to serve your health the best.
  5. To go greener: The inorganic food production techniques and the use of chemicals are unsafe for humans, as well as the environment. On the contrary, organic produce is fully natural and friendly to environmental health. It is in our best interest to save the environment and go greener by adopting organic food.

With time and knowledge, more farmers are getting involved in organic farming. This will only cut down the cost of organic food in future. While organic food becomes more affordable, the above-mentioned reasons make it a far healthier choice of people concerned about their families’ health.

Increasing popularity of organic food products amongst modern people

Due to the fast pace lifestyle of modern people, they often prefer to order fast foods and other substitutes that are extremely unhealthy. Opting for organic food products is a safer option for people, as these products are free from harmful pesticides and chemical additives. Even modern farmers have started planting genetically modified seeds and using artificial methods for farming and food production. With the intervention of latest technological inventions, they can produce organic crops, veggies, and fruits.

In the recent days, the majority of the people have switched to organic food products rather than eating junk and packaged items. The organic food products are healthy as they are cultivated using natural fertilizers. The fair farming and food production techniques enhance the nutritional value of these food items, and they comprise a high amount of antioxidants and natural fibers. Moreover, allergy prone people can safely intake the organic food products as they do not contain harmful chemicals and preservatives.

The biggest advantages of opting for organic foods are:

Nutritional- Organic food has more nutrition than non-organic foods. They are more efficient against fighting cancer and enhancing the immune system. Also, they promote better sleeping habits.

Better Taste- The taste of organic food is often superior to any conventional food.

Safe for Babies- For Infants and children raw organic food diet is incredibly important. It reduces the chances of illnesses significantly.

Eco-Friendly- As organic food is grown and cultivated using natural farming practice they have an enormous positive impact on the environment.

Easily Digestible- The organic food products has been reported to be easily digestible because of the absence of harmful toxicants. Easy digestion means that your stomach gets more nutrient value from the food and thus leads to healthy living.

To prevent your body from succumbing to cancer and other terrifying diseases, you should always choose organic over non-organic foods. This way, you can make sure that your body is in perfect condition for now and in the future. People are inclining more towards organic food and beverages, due to rising health issues. Reputable food manufacturers have started to launch their line of organic food products in the market that includes organic sauces, tea, milk, and beverages. As these products are free from harmful additives, colouring agents, and synthetic chemicals, they can impose no harsh effects on your health.

The growing popularity of organic foods has created greater demand for organic produce and meats – people are slowly yet surely recognizing the long-term benefits of consuming food that is produced or grown without the use of any artificial additions.

Did You Know? Unknown Facts About Organic Food

Before you make the choice between organic and non-organic food, learn 10 interesting facts about organic food which you may surprise you. Just read on..

  1. Highly beneficial for pregnant women and young kids
    Organic food makes the best choice for pregnant women and young kids. This is due to the fact the fetuses and young kids may get harmed by getting exposed to even low level of pesticides. So, organic food makes the ideal option!
  2. More Expensive than non-organic food
    Do you know that organic food is more expensive than non-organic food? The price can sometimes be 50 percent higher or even more. But when compared with the benefits it offer, the price difference may not matter.
  3. Use of Pesticides
    Most of the people believe that organic food do not contain pesticides. But it is actually not true. Some of the organic food products may contain pesticides, as long as the pesticides are not synthetic.
  4. Organic food are not just for the rich
    Typically organic food are expensive and for this reason usually they are not accessible to the people will low income level. But now, some of the big names in the industry like Walmart are trying to make organic food affordable, thereby making it accessible to people of all income group.
  5. Organic food is not a new concept
    Do you know that before World War II, all the food items will organic? It is true! Afterwards, people started using chemicals, pesticides and other products to minimize insects, rodents and weed damage!
  6. Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Exposure
    People who eat organic meat are less exposed to antibiotic resistant bacteria.
  7. Organic Milk Fact
    Do you know that in the beverage market, organic milk is the fastest growing sector? Surprised? It is a fact!
  8. Reduced Pesticide Level in Children’s Urine
    The children who consume organic food have reduced pesticide level in their urine.
  9. Rinsing Fact
    Even though you may rinse non-organic vegetables and fruits, but that does not mean that it will completely remove the pesticides. The pesticides may get washed off from the surface but not from within the flesh.
  10. Percentage of Organic Food in the U.S
    According to recent studies, just 6 to 8 percent of the American crops are without genetic modification and are organic.

Aforementioned are the 10 interesting and unknown facts about organic food. Hope you enjoyed reading it!

Are Organic Foods Right For You?

Today, many people are familiar with the word “organic food.” Many are opposing GMO foods because of the awareness created by the media and by the other people. You must, however, be wondering what the labels mean and whether organic foods are really right for you. Here is why organic foods could be right for you.

Produced organically

Organic foods are produced in a certain manner. However, they must be grown in safe soil and must be kept away from traditionally produced foods. Only then can they be called organic. These foods are safe and they contain fewer pesticides, are produced using natural fertilizers as compared to traditional chemical based fertilizers. Moreover, organic farming is environmentally friendly and does not pollute the soil. It is also free of GMO. Genetically engineered foods are prepared from plants that have been genetically modified or whose DNA has been altered in such a way that it cannot occur in nature.

Better for the environment

Organic farming is not only better for the environment, but it is also used to produce foods that would not harm the systems of the consumers. Organically raised animals as well as plants are good for the health of the persons consuming them. Moreover, these animals are not given any antibiotics and these plants are raised on natural fertilizers rather than on chemical based fertilizers. No hormones are used in the growth of the plants or the animals if they are produced organically.

Organic food is GMO free

Where GMO foods are unhealthy for everyone to consume and are produced using chemical fertilizers, organic foods are not produced in the same fashion as traditionally produced foods or GMO foods. They are produced in a manner that would be healthy for all. It is, therefore, safer to consume organic foods for your health.

Why Organic Meat is good for People and the Environment

There are many reasons why it is a good idea to support organic meat products. These kinds of products are not only good for the body, but they are also good for the world that we live in. Many people do not know this, but the agriculture that is used to support livestock produces large number of environmental problems and is responsible for some of the most serious deforestation of our times.

That is why people should support farms that perform the same activities, but in an ethical manner that not only helps the environment, but also ensures that the products that they produce are of the highest quality. There are many advantages of eating organic meat products.

1. One of the best features about organic meat products is that the animals are not given any extra medicines or antibiotics for fast growth. They are raised in a natural environment. This results in humans also not consuming those dangerous drugs when they are eating the meat. The meat that is sourced from organic methods is thus safer and less harmful for the body.

2. There are many unsafe practices followed in farms around the world that result in dangerous diseases like the mad cow epidemic. By supporting organic methods, we as a society are basically ensuring that the livestock as well as the human population are free of any mass plagues that could threaten our very existence.

3. When meat is grown in an organic manner, there are no chemicals used. Even if they are used, they are used in such low quantities that they do not harm anyone. This is important for the farmers who are working in these places since their exposure to harmful materials is greatly reduced and they themselves are not put in any danger.

Benefits of Baby Organic Food and Organic Farming Methods

Organic foods are produced without usage of fertilizers, pesticides, growth hormones. Organic foods are environment friendly. The digestive system of an infant is more efficient in absorbing foods when compared with adults. During the growth phase nervous system, digestive system and circulatory system will develop fast. Also the kidneys of infants are so sensitive and can’t get rid of harmful substances which are used to grow the conventional foods. Often baby’s diet will be restricted to less processed food. Good nutrition is important for a baby because he or she have to sustain for the rest of life. In India organic farming is practiced since ancient times.

Benefits of Baby organic food and organic farming methods:

Organic farming is done without using any harmful substances. Some of the organic farming methods are as follows. Clover which is used in farming has nitrogen which makes soil better. Crop rotation is a technique which is used to grow various types of crops in the same area according to the season. This method is used to control weeds and diseases. Vermi-compost is highly rich in nutrients. Vermi-composting is also one of the organic farming methods. Vermi-composting is the method to prepare compost by using earthworms. Earth worms consume biomass and will excrete it in the digested form called as worm casts which are popularly known as Black gold. As these casts are rich in nutrients which is beneficial for soil micro flora.  Vermicompost is a good soil conditioner and also helps in reducing the toxicity of heavy metals. It also helps in reducing the population of pathogenic microbes. Green manure is also one of the methods used in organic farming. The application of twigs and leaves of trees, shrubs is known as green leaf manuring. Trees in the forests, plants growing in waste lands are the best sources of this method. This method improves the structure of soil and also decreases soil loss. This method also reduces the growth of weeds.

Organic food that doesn’t disturb our budget

organic foodThere are number of people who find organic foods taste far better than their conventional counterparts. It’s been 35 years ago when the organic food movement blossomed. People have decided to eat organic for the environment. Although, there are also many people, who have chosen organic because they know that when they ingest toxins from conventional food items, they have bad effects on health.

If you want to study for a different food then you may check out the website, it will give you the list of different fruits and vegetables which are uppermost sprayed with pesticides. It is always suggested to eating organic poultry, meat, eggs and dairy, it is because you’re not consuming antibiotics and growth hormones from the animals.

Consumption of organic poultry like meat, eggs and dairy is brilliant as well because these foods are produced devoid of antibiotics and growth hormones. So, there is no side effect on our health when we eat them.

Foods like organic avocados are full of vitamins and nutrients. It has vitamin E, B, folic acid, as well as fiber. It contains more potassium than bananas, and is rich in monounsaturated fats and is cholesterol-free.

It is said that chronic illness at the early age is the result of bad eating habits. Therefore, it is always suggested to become 100 percent organic to save your life from years of toxic accumulation from non-organic foods. If you are a student reading this article, you can also prepare an assignment related to this with the help of some experts. You can write about the various benefits of consuming organic food and guide others for a healthy future.

The factor which is more of concern to all of us is money. We can easily save money while buying organic by looking for the season’s products as well as frozen fruits and vegetables. These products are flash frozen and are healthy too. They are far better from the fruits and vegetables that are kept in our fridge. So why wait, go organic! That’s within budget.

Organic Food That Enriches Your Life

The increase in health problems in recent times has led to a growing number of people joining the quest for a healthier lifestyle by means of a better diet. Organic foods have caught on to a great extent with new varieties and products finding a place on the shelves of supermarkets each day.

Choosing organic food with care is vital if you are to really benefit from your new diet. At Organic Food Mart, you can order some of the healthiest organic foods available and get them delivered right to your doorstep. You can also get some great information on how to balance out your organic diet so that you can get the best out of it and prevent diseases in the long run.

Environmental Benefits of Organic Food

Growing organic food is pro-environment and prevents soil pollution. Inorganic farming methods can cause degradation of top soil quality and destroy the nutrient content of plants. The plants absorb the inorganic substances.  Organic food producers refrain from using inorganic means to grow their produce, instead they resort to practices such as sufficient soil tilling, continuous soil monitoring and checking the pH and water content, ensuring proper water drainage, using organic manure and substances to provide nutrients to the plants and improving soil quality, and keeping away pests by organic methods. They work hard to maintain the right temperature, moisture and soil quality conducive for the growth of plants.

The Most Popular Organic Food Categories

The crude agricultural systems and techniques with restricted and up-to-the minute artificial inputs generate organic foods. Some of the most popular organic food categories are baby foods, apples, milk, cantaloupes and grapes. Babies have a weak immune system in comparison to adults and are, therefore, more susceptible to various kinds of infections. Non organic food mixed with chemicals forms the food items for babies.

Apples have large quantities of pesticides. A single apple, on examination, was found to have seven chemicals. This is a good basis for changing over to raw produce, which is free of pesticides. It is better eating apples cautiously and not drink it in the form of juice. The grains on which the dairy cow feeds are mixed deeply with chemicals. These chemicals turn up in the milk.

The greatest durable chemicals spoil the cantaloupes quite frequently. They are mixed with a cancer causing and poisonous insecticide, known as Dieldrin. This poisonous insecticide is present in the roots of cantaloupes and is very harmful. Even grapes are mixed with different chemicals, and it is healthier to eat the skin of the grapes rather than the grapes alone.

Hence, the mixing of organic food with many different types of chemicals and pesticides and are quite injurious to health.