Author Archives: Atharva

Did You Know? Unknown Facts About Organic Food

Before you make the choice between organic and non-organic food, learn 10 interesting facts about organic food which you may surprise you. Just read on..

  1. Highly beneficial for pregnant women and young kids
    Organic food makes the best choice for pregnant women and young kids. This is due to the fact the fetuses and young kids may get harmed by getting exposed to even low level of pesticides. So, organic food makes the ideal option!
  2. More Expensive than non-organic food
    Do you know that organic food is more expensive than non-organic food? The price can sometimes be 50 percent higher or even more. But when compared with the benefits it offer, the price difference may not matter.
  3. Use of Pesticides
    Most of the people believe that organic food do not contain pesticides. But it is actually not true. Some of the organic food products may contain pesticides, as long as the pesticides are not synthetic.
  4. Organic food are not just for the rich
    Typically organic food are expensive and for this reason usually they are not accessible to the people will low income level. But now, some of the big names in the industry like Walmart are trying to make organic food affordable, thereby making it accessible to people of all income group.
  5. Organic food is not a new concept
    Do you know that before World War II, all the food items will organic? It is true! Afterwards, people started using chemicals, pesticides and other products to minimize insects, rodents and weed damage!
  6. Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Exposure
    People who eat organic meat are less exposed to antibiotic resistant bacteria.
  7. Organic Milk Fact
    Do you know that in the beverage market, organic milk is the fastest growing sector? Surprised? It is a fact!
  8. Reduced Pesticide Level in Children’s Urine
    The children who consume organic food have reduced pesticide level in their urine.
  9. Rinsing Fact
    Even though you may rinse non-organic vegetables and fruits, but that does not mean that it will completely remove the pesticides. The pesticides may get washed off from the surface but not from within the flesh.
  10. Percentage of Organic Food in the U.S
    According to recent studies, just 6 to 8 percent of the American crops are without genetic modification and are organic.

Aforementioned are the 10 interesting and unknown facts about organic food. Hope you enjoyed reading it!

Benefits of Baby Organic Food and Organic Farming Methods

Organic foods are produced without usage of fertilizers, pesticides, growth hormones. Organic foods are environment friendly. The digestive system of an infant is more efficient in absorbing foods when compared with adults. During the growth phase nervous system, digestive system and circulatory system will develop fast. Also the kidneys of infants are so sensitive and can’t get rid of harmful substances which are used to grow the conventional foods. Often baby’s diet will be restricted to less processed food. Good nutrition is important for a baby because he or she have to sustain for the rest of life. In India organic farming is practiced since ancient times.

Benefits of Baby organic food and organic farming methods:

Organic farming is done without using any harmful substances. Some of the organic farming methods are as follows. Clover which is used in farming has nitrogen which makes soil better. Crop rotation is a technique which is used to grow various types of crops in the same area according to the season. This method is used to control weeds and diseases. Vermi-compost is highly rich in nutrients. Vermi-composting is also one of the organic farming methods. Vermi-composting is the method to prepare compost by using earthworms. Earth worms consume biomass and will excrete it in the digested form called as worm casts which are popularly known as Black gold. As these casts are rich in nutrients which is beneficial for soil micro flora.  Vermicompost is a good soil conditioner and also helps in reducing the toxicity of heavy metals. It also helps in reducing the population of pathogenic microbes. Green manure is also one of the methods used in organic farming. The application of twigs and leaves of trees, shrubs is known as green leaf manuring. Trees in the forests, plants growing in waste lands are the best sources of this method. This method improves the structure of soil and also decreases soil loss. This method also reduces the growth of weeds.

Organic Preserved Food

Organic food lovers would not only want to want their daily supply of fruits and vegetables to be organic, but also their preserved food  such as snacks, pickles, jams, jellies, spices etc. to taste fresh and organic and be devoid of inorganic substances. Producers may add inorganic preservatives to food to save time and efforts and realize quick sales. Organic food preservation techniques can preserve foods much better than inorganic methods, and they also taste better, these techniques include canning, freezing and drying and using organic preservatives such as various organic salts, sugar, spices like turmeric, dried lemon and amla powder and such like.

Why to take Organic Food?

Present generation has suddenly turned towards organic products, especially organic foods. The food that is completely free from chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides. Present generation is aware about the dangers of food products that are produced with the help of fertilizers and pesticides. With the turn of most of the celebrities to organic food, most of the present generations are giving importance of organic food. It is all the benefits provided organic food that made this food the favorite of most of the people besides of age and profession.

Here are some of the benefits that say why you should take organic food.

  • Organic food contains or lower or zero level of pesticides. Around 70% of the pesticides used or presented in conventional food are prevented in the production of organic food. You can take the food in its original taste without any fear.
  • Organic foods are free from synthetic addictives. These foods are free from artificial colors, preservatives, flavors, sulphites and nitrates. These foods not make use of monosodium glutamate and artificial sweeteners. Organic foods are sweetened and preserved naturally with grape, honey and juice.
  • Organic food is rich in nutrients. The natural production method of organic food makes it rich in salicylic acid, iron, vitamin C, magnesium, calcium and phosphorous. All these nutrients are essential for your body and health. You can enjoy good health with your diet rich in organic foods.
  • Growth hormones and antibiotics are not used in organic livestock production. In most of the cases growth hormones and antibiotics are injected in cattle to speed up the growth to make then fatter and larger to deliver more meat. On the other hand in organic cattle, they are allowed with their natural time to get growth. This assures best cattle products free from any sort of side effects.
  • GE seeds are not used for the production of organic foods. Farmer concentrating on organic food generates the seeds naturally. They never make use of seeds developed through genetic engineering. They make use of natural compost that is food for the soil and also for the foods.

These are just a few important benefits of organic food. As it is said that good food is the best medicine for most type of diseases, people using organic food is said to have healthy immune system and other body systems. Now the time is yours to include organic foods in your diet.


Varieties of Organic Food

There are many different varieties of Organic Food. The most popular kind that can be found in most of the popular supermarkets is processed organic foods. If one were to look through the shelves of these markets they would find canned foods and frozen vegetables that have the name organic written prominently on them. The food packets are required to have government certifications on them, so customers should check for them before purchasing them. There are also many organic food products like dairy products, meat and vegetables sold in their fresh form in normal markets. There are organic food fairs held in the metros that give people an opportunity to get these items straight from the farms.

It is important to note that it is not just vegetables and fruits that are sold organically. Meat can also be organic. It is common among livestock farmers to give antibiotics and growth hormones to their animals to make them grow faster. Organic farmers abstain from doing all this. They prefer to feed the animals natural products and help them grow in a healthy way. Eating organic meat is considered to be healthier than eating conventional meat.

The organic craze has spread to dairy products as well. It is common for the milk derived from cows, goats and sheep to have the organic certification on them. One can also find the organic tag on yogurt, sour cream, ice cream and cottage cheese. There are many kinds of fishes that are specially reared in fish breeding farms. They play a valuable role in developing organic fishes. The fish that is caught in the open sea can be unhealthy since the waters in the oceans have a tendency to be polluted. One also cannot know what the fishes eat and what kind of negative chemicals they have been exposed to. That is the reason that many people are switching to organic fishes that are bred in a safe environment. With the threat of oil spills and toxic waste destroying our natural environment eating organic fishes might just be the way of the future.

It is easy to get organic variety in any food product. Organic simply means that it is grown naturally without the use of any chemicals. Organic food products are not just being created for humans. They are being created for dogs as well. There are many products for canines that are prepared through natural methods.

Organic Farming in India

Organic farming has been practised in India since time immemorial. In fact, this was the standard system of farming practised in the country. The nutrients needed for growing the crops were all derived from natural methods. However, in the twentieth century the population of India began to grow rapidly. The need to feed the millions who now inhabited the sub-continent began to assume urgency never felt before. In the 1950s and 1960s the country went through a series of food shortages and the government was forced to take quick action. Fertilizers, pesticides and chemicals were introduced into Indian agriculture for the first time so that the country could produce the vast quantities of food needed to satisfy the hunger of millions. But now after a few decades the country is self sufficient in food, but its citizens are starting to feel the ill effects of eating contaminated products. The people are now feeling a need to switch back to naturally made products and using methods of cultivation that was practised in the olden days.

However, one of the problems with organic farming is that it is more expensive than conventional farming. While there are now a large number of certified organic farms in India with the number growing by the day, they still cater essentially to the needs of the upper class. Many of them grow their produce for western societies who can afford such products. India is still a low income country and organic farming cannot provide for such a large population. For the time being many organic firms earn much of their income through exports. The popularity of these products is still restricted to the big metros and a few tier two cities.

There are quite a few associations in India that govern organic farming in India like OFAI and AOFG. Thanks to these organizations many organic farmers now have an umbrella organization that they can function under and help to promote their work. In rural areas many farmers have started to switch to organic farming as they have realised that they can reap rich dividends by following this method. States like Sikkim, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka are showing a great deal of development in organic farming. But despite impressive progress, organic farming in India is still at a nascent stage. Many experts believe that the country has tremendous untapped potential when it comes to organic farming.